Planning for Business Owners.

Wealth planning for business owners

Wealth planning for business owners in industries including professional services, construction, real estate sales, architecture and accounting...

Some of our very best clients are business owners. We advise a diverse set of these entrepreneurs including architects, attorneys, CPAs, and business owners in the advertising, construction and a variety of other industries.

By nature, business owners are used to taking on challenges through all economic cycles. We support them by helping to structure and manage their retirement plans, assist in tax planning, and by advising them on critical liquidity needs, funded Buy-Sell Agreements, Group Disability Income insurance, life insurance uses, and all the other key wealth planning tasks they need to succeed.

Entrepreneurs commit a very high percentage of their available resources over long periods of time to achieving their dreams. We work with these individuals to help support and prepare them for their retirement needs (including business exit planning), while helping to protect the families who depend on them along the way.


“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

-Milton Berle